Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I survived the 6months attachment!!! So glad that though I did not did too well for my FYP, I also did not do too badly for it. I really praise God for it, because I know that there were many errors in my report and I was unable to answer most of my lecturer's question during the presentation. Most importantly, it is over.
Enjoying holiday TTM. Especially after knowing that I did not fair that bad as I have expected. It was a huge relief.
Mark Tan at 11:41 AM
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Time hovers by at great speed; here comes 3rd year. Attachment is on its way.
Monday. This Monday will be the start of my 12weeks at JP Unity. Afterwhich I will be having attachment at NCC for another 12weeks. Seems like I will be a lone ranger for these 6months.
My classmates and I had class outing yesterday at MBS. Really had a memorable and wonderful time together; played true/dare, twister, gobble down junk food, had hearty chats, joking around like there is no tomorrow. Will miss a lot of them. How melancholic can I be...
I have been pondering and also meditating on the book of Jonah these few days, after Ps Kim Meng spoke about him in the sermon. I realised that I am indeed like Jonah in certain ways. Jonah was a minor prophet in the old testament. When God asked him to go to Nineveh to prophesy to this wicked nation, Jonah actually rejected this call of the Lord and when in the opposite direction of Nineveh.
The reason why Jonah did so is because he hated Nineveh so much as they were the enemies of the people of God. They were so corrupted and cruel. So after Jonah was thrown into the sea by the sailors and was swallowed by a big fish and stayed in the stomach of this fish for 3days and 3nights, and was finally vomitted out, he decided to follow God's commmand and prophesied to this nation.
Though this nation was so wicked and depraved, God was so compassionate that He sent Jonah to speak His word, and this nation repented and wore sackcloth. But Jonah sat from afar and looked at this nation, hoping and longing for this nation to be destroyed by God. Of course that did not happen.
After digesting these words, I discovered that, yes, I indeed feel that some people should die, should be destroyed, whom should not deserve God's forgiveness. Because of that, I realised that I lacked the compassion that God has and wants me to have for these people.
What exactly is compassion? To show compassion to the needy, to the elderly, to orphans, to the less advantaged can be easy. But showing compassion to those that torture humans in a terrible way before leading to a trajic death, to those that humiliated you, to those that betrayed you; will you still show compassion to them? That was a lesson learnt from the book of Jonah. I was that Jonah. There is much for me to learn about compassion.
Mark Tan at 12:04 PM
Monday, October 24, 2011
Semester 4. It spells anxiety to me. Can I make it through this semester? It is only the second week and I am freaking out; I cannot remember all that is taught in last semester. I will be giving in my all this time round. This generates more anxiety and I feel worse. Have I forgotten to depend on the Lord? But can I really do well without the anxiety?
Phillipians 4:6 (NIV)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
I realise that I rarely ask for things from God. He is so rich but I fail to be able to ask him for things. This must change!
Mark Tan at 9:54 PM
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Gastric pains seem to be getting more frequent and more severe. I am quite worried about that. Loss a bit of weight too. Appetite seems unpredictable; a few instances of uncontrolled hunger, and yet other instances too full. Have to wait for next Thursday's appointment to find out more. Am hoping that all is well.
Year 2 means more responsibility for your own education. The academic content seems quite overwhelming, a burden too heavy to bear.
When the Israelites were in the desert, God supplied them with Manna and Quail. I want my Manna and Quail too. I want to reach the promise land together with God's presence. I don't want to be "a stiff-neck people".
Mark Tan at 6:41 PM
Monday, February 28, 2011
It is my last paper today. Sort of feel out of place all of a sudden; no studies for 6 weeks.
Yet another year.
I had weird dreams recently; dreams that differ far from reality. I dreamt of being a very young kid, with all sorts of childishness exhibited in the dream. I dreamt that I have a very beautiful girlfriend, but the truth is: This girl does not exist in real life, with the fact that I am still single since birth. But to me she is just breathtakingly beautiful. I dreamt that I can swim freestyle, ice-skate like a professional, of which I could not possibly perform in real life. Though they are dream to me, they are heavenly. I mean the emotions precipitated by them is just awesome.
In the previous post I stated "时间能够冲淡一切痛苦". But the pain is revisiting me again in a whole new way. I thought I have already forgiven him. I really cannot stand this. It is as if you get numbed by the pain, and after a period of time of forgetting the incident, the thought rebounds and the pain get even more intense. I want him out of my mind, and, my life. Totally.
Mark Tan at 8:29 PM
Friday, January 28, 2011
Time hovers by so fast; yet another chinese new year is arriving, the year of the rabbit. My mum's year though. This is the 4th cycle for her.
Time passes, and so pain gets blander. I did not believe this at first. But it is really true to say: 时间能够冲淡一切痛苦。I have forgiven you.
I have chest pain for 3-4weeks already. I am glad that the doctor have announced that it is not the case of angina. However, the pain is like something squeezing my chest, that I feel afraid of the pain everytime it strikes. What is the pain about then?
Week 15 at it's end. Week 16 is CNY. Week 17? Oh I dread it. 3 tests on the same week. Week 18 study week. Week 19 welcomes me, giving me terror in my face as it is time for exam. Then finally the holiday.
I hope, I pray, that God can give me strength and courage to go through this season.
Mark Tan at 9:07 PM
Saturday, January 1, 2011
It is a brand new year and a brand new start, but I wish that not all things are branded :)
Alright I know that was a lame joke.
For this coming year, my expectations for Mark Tan is rather simple; that is to know more about the word of God, especially the Old Testament books, which I take ages to complete. And the most important thing is to know how to quote verses; I remember the word of God but I just forget about the chapter and the verse. I find that quoting the word of God is VERY important in a couple of instances. An instance is when new believers are under the attack of the evil one; you need to quote the verse so that the lies of the devil will be broken. Another example is when there is false teachings, you are not as vulnerable to fall for the deception.
There is this verse Hebrews 4:12.
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Do not be surprised that I can get the whole verse here. The Google search is really very effective.
I would also pray that God can groom me to be a leader in his ministry. That is why knowing the Bible well is so important.
Mark Tan at 4:36 PM
Friday, October 29, 2010
I realised that the devil has been trying to make life as terrible as possible for me. Ever since I have decide to let go of "them", I know the devil will not let me off so easily. But I know that I am under the protection of God as long as I do not give the devil a foothold in my life; by giving up my hatred and bitterness to God. I know that this is the only way that I can restore my broken relationship with God. By forgiving "them", I am not only freeing myself from the toxin of unforgiveness; I am also reconciliating with God. I am awed and touched by how God showed that He still loves me.
There are Tchoukball practices from this week, the first week, to the fourth week, which is the competition week. But it is the first week only and I have already sprained and fractured my left feet. The irony is that Tchoukball is a non-intercept, non-contact game, and I was wearing very good sports wear, with the sport shoe which costs hundred over dollars; and in the end I still ended up with sports injury. It is stated in Wikipedia that sprain might be due to "sudden exercise from sedentary lifestyle", but I would beg to differ. I have been jogging and exercising every alternate day. So there is really no "valid reason" that I sprained my feet. It just does not make any sense at all.
Apart from all that have happened, I have been training myself to be grateful; to count my blessings. I have set aside a beautiful notebook to thank God for every depressing or exciting; disappointing or worth rejoicing; blessings in disguise or explicit blessings; moments that are bad or good. There is just something to be thankful to God about. When we learn to give thanks to God, I believe God will entrust us with more possessions. In this way we will always be full of thanksgiving, never lacking in anything because He cares for those He loves.
Mark Tan at 10:40 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I sincerely apologize for the missing me.
Something weird happened to me about 3 to 4 days ago. I was still deep in sleep; so deep in sleep in the wee hours of the night(maybe it should be morning). All of a sudden I heard a knock... And my Mum's voice, "Why are you bathing so early in the morning?" It was only then that I really woke up. Opening my eyes, I was flabbergasted to see that I was in front of the shower, and my body wet with the cool shower, and I actually took off ALL my clothes in the shower. In actual fact the cold shower should have woke me up from my sleepwalk, but it did not do so to me. Taking a shower at 2am in the morning does not make sense at all. I mean, who would wake up and take a bath, just to go back to bed again? I would say this is the first incident of sleepwalking throughout my entire life. Sounds like a major milestone. Thank God the window grilles are locked.
Yesterday when I was having supper with my Dad and my Dad only, we came to a topic where I replied him,"When I needed protection, you all did not protect me. When I needed the least protection, you all over-protected me." Then Dad asked me if I am referring to "those cases", I really lost control of myself.
I began to hyper-ventilate out of fury and I felt shots of blood shooting throughout the vessels of my whole body. Then when I was able to cool down after drinking my Teh-O, we went home. I had a shower, had a talk with Dad. He once again meddled with the weak spots of my heart. I REALLY went berserk. As I was seating on the bed, I began flinging my pillow and bolster all around. I can honestly tell you if I was seated on a chair near the table, I would be able to overturn them and toss them across the room.
But I was actually quite intimidated by the fact that I might be demonized; because I could not control my emotions, and my Dad mentioned that I looked quite not like my usual self. Or I would say: I have been suppressing these emotions for so long that the let-go of these agony became so explosive.
Yes, it was mixed feelings. Raging tempest, avengement, disappointment, grief, injustice, indignance; you name it, we've got it.
There are so many eye-witnesses, but none stood up to it. Never mind.
Mark Tan at 1:20 PM
Friday, April 16, 2010
I never seems to succeed in anything I do; lacking in excellence.
1. PSLE.
2. Only got Bronze for all the competitions in my CCAs.
3. 'O' levels
4. My relationship with my Secondary school close friends(currently)
5. I have failed to consolidate friends who once loved God. I don't think they love God now.
It is all my fault. Number 5 matters most to me. You may say that all I want to do is to bring you THERE. But do you know I am sick concerned of your relationship with God? Does your relationship with God matter to you at all? One can backslide if they
bo chap about God!
I was rather hurt when you said that I have not been using my brain for quite sometime, that is why I gave such a lousy excuse. Don't your boyfriend take to heart which boy goes out with you? He won't get jealous? You will tell me he is not that kind of person, but I am sure most people will get jealous under such circumstance. What you gonna do, ask him to come along with you? I don't want to be gooseberry!!!!
I will not force you to go to THERE. I will not force you to love God. Just beware.
Mark Tan at 12:54 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2010
This post is for you also.
I am real grateful that you actually spelt out everything regarding what I did that disappointed you. Deep down in my heart I am real sorry... Maybe I am not a good friend at all. I should have been more caring; I was not by your side when you needed someone to share your woes. _______ said I changed; yet you said the same too. I tried reflecting, but I wonder: Will I ever wake up from this long nightmare? Where did the Mark we knew go? I am finding for him too.
How can I treat you as a passerby? 5years; that is how long I knew you. How would I ever give up on our friendship? You
were my best friend, you
are my best friend, and you
will be my best friend.
Actually I wanted to ask you out. But since you already have "him", I find it quite inappropriate to do so. You know why. You know what I mean.
Mark Tan at 4:32 PM
Sunday, March 14, 2010
One is about to get better, yet another one came alongside.
I am glad that Dad don't have to pay that lump sum of money now =) , now with these new "ammunitions". But every week I would have to "get bitten" because of these new "ammunitions", and I hope it will not be too daunting for me.
What Ps Khong said about trials are true; The higher the level you get to in your spiritual walk with God, the tougher it is to combat.
However, I feel very serene; unlike in the initial stage where I questioned God repeatedly. This time round I can sense His presence enveloping me, though I have yet the ability to hear Him again.
I am really not devastated; I still have a God who loves me and a family that cares a lot for me.
Mark Tan at 4:13 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Today is the eve of Chinese New Year and Valentines day. I am so delighted by the thought of getting all my hongbaos tomorrow, yet a wee bit bittersweet as I have no 'stead' since the first day I came into this world. 18years of living single.
At least Christ is my companion, and I believe it is as equally as satisfying as having a courtship with a girl. Christ is my lover. That is enough. I am very much contended. Actually I am rather proud to be single, because I only have to please God and that is all. Life is much more simpler like this. If the Lord wants me to be celibate, I will be so. But who knows who is this surprise girl that God wants me to be with? I am waiting with much anticipation...
Mark Tan at 4:08 PM
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I did not really have this revelation of the cross all along until yesterday, when Ps Khong preached on the exposition on the book of Romans.
We are, by nature, objects of wrath. Yet God sent his Son Jesus to take all the wrath of God that was supposed to be poured out on us. In this way God's wrath will be appeased. Which Father will ever have the heart to do this do his son because of sinners? I will not have the heart to do that. I believe no human being will ever do that. But our loving heavenly Father is willing to do this so that we can stand justified in the name of Jesus. I am greatly awed by this love of the Father.
Mark Tan at 2:47 PM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Came back from KL yesterday morning at around 4am. The immigration checkpoint was smoother than expected, so in no time I find myself at home.
First day, checked into Swiss Garden Hotel at around 3pm. The next thing we do as a family; shop. After shopping we went to Neway to sing Karaoke. End of first day.
Second day, we shopped again; bandied to and fro Berjaya Times Square and Sungei Wang. Went to watch Alvin and Chipmunk 2; the chipmunks were so adorable, and amusing too. You should try watching it. You will never regret the cost of the movie ticket.
Third day, we shopped again. Checked out from hotel before 12pm, luggages were put at the luggage point. Another day of mundane shopping again. The ladies liked it a lot. The guys have to bear with it awhile. Then we went to Neway again and sang the whole night. Boarded the coach at around 11pm. Sis had mild food poisoning and stomach flu. But she managed to control her nauseating symptom till we reach Singapore. Thank God she did not need to stop the coach to throw up. Everything went on quite smoothly.
Seriously, there is not much of a climax to this time round's vacation, just the dull plot which can be considered as tranquility. My Dad needs just that as he has been working hard in his job and he deserves a good rest. I also learnt that resting can be just that simple; it can be in the midst of a mundane relaxation activity. I always thought that resting means there must be fun, there must be games, there must be something happening. But resting is not only a one-route way; there are multiple ways to arrive at the destination of rest.
What is rest to you? Do you know that you can rest in midst of trials? Just that as long as you depend on the Lord, and know that God is the solver of all problems, you will find rest in Him.
Mark Tan at 6:36 PM
Thursday, December 31, 2009
2009 is coming to an end. To me it is a bittersweet year.
Bitter: Many unpleasant and unexpected things happened.
First, my 'O' level results. I barely missed the mark by one point before I can enter JC.
Second, my condition. I am still at battle with it. And the battle was quite fierce for the past few days. Why? And I ought not question God about him permitting this condition on me. I still cannot understand why. It is a mystery, still.
Third, my "employment". I have been temporarily "fired" by the "boss"
. Thank God I can go back to the same "company" and the same "department" again, as he
has no right to really "fire" me.
him. I have decided to leave his "group", and it was quite a heartbreaking sight to see him cry. He only commited some minute mistakes, but I did not think twice before leaving his "group". It was exceedingly deplorable, but what can I do now? Blame myself? It is too late to cry over spilt milk.
All these events, when summed up, are all caused by one culprit: my condition.
Sweet: God has been good to me.
First, I knew it was not in God's plan for me to enter JC, so my path is now more transparent.
Second, though I could not understand what is God doing with me, I am assured that He is by my side, because I see people coming in at the different seasons of my life. People like John, George, and How Thim. Thank you, servants of the Lord! Thank you for drawing out time at your own expense to see me through the mountains and the valleys.
Third, because I became "unemployed", God has allowed me into FCBS, to learn his words and to understand more about Him. It helped me a lot in combating against some false concepts that I believe will not leave me if I had not attended FCBS. I would like to thank all the teachers in FCBS because they have enlightened me and empowered me with lifeskills and imparted to me some Christian values. Thank you so much.
Fourth, I find myself closer to my family members. Thanks to Mum and Dad for being there for me in one of the tough seasons of my life. Thank you for not giving up on me even when it seems almost insuperable to get me healed a few months ago(but now it is possible!!!). Thanks for contributing time and money everytime I meet the doctor. Thank you sister for going out with me occasionally and encouraging me.
Fifth, I find myself having new friends in every season. I have got my Pharmaceutical Science friends and SOL1 friends and FCBS friends. Perhaps God is concerned about my feelings of loneliness, so He sent new friends so that I can befriend them.
These events, when summed up, are the result of one thing: God's Magnamity and Grace.
God turns all bad thing for the good of those who love Him. So to those who are facing trials, be reminded of this.
I hope I had not miss anyone out.
Wishing all who reads this post a Happy New Year. One more hour to 2010. Will be leaving for Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. So thrilled!
Mark Tan at 8:45 PM
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It was 4A'08 class BBQ yesterday.
Met up with Han Ting and Zhe Qing at Jurong East interchange to go to our final destination; that is East Coast Park. Had nice chat with the both of them. We talked about our school life to army to many things that I could now not quite remember.
Then when we finally arrived at the pit, there were greetings. Then many commented that I have put on weight on my face, and that I look round. Round? What's round?
After which went cycling with Han Ting and co. . I was greatly lagging behind as they were far ahead of me. So embarrased. Should not have exercised so vigorously the day before. So "chui"(spoil-spot). I think I could not quite remember what is "chui". Anyway...
It was triggered again after cycling. I should have listened to my Dad's advice; to take a cab back home immediately. I almost made a spectacle of myself in front of my friends. Thank God it was under control. I really thank God.
I am really distraught by the array of choices that I have and that I must make a final decision. They told me that I can try to ask for an appeal. I am so perplexed right now. I really do not know what to do. I will just see how the Lord leads me.
Mark Tan at 6:35 PM
Friday, December 25, 2009
It is Chistmas Day today, so, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!
Yesterday was Christmas eve. Alright, let us talk about the Chirstmas Stomp.
It was presented in a game kind of format. Specifically, it was in the setting of Wii. So the whole plot talks about a boy with his elder sister playing the Christmas Stomp game. Then they introduced to us the fame points and faith points. These points can help purchase perfume from the perfumery. In the end, the two siblings got themselves all the fame points and ended up buying a perfume called the white diamond perfume. But when they went to the Bethlehem Inn to find Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus(who was the King), they realized that they have bought the wrong type of perfume that the King had wanted. What the King wants is either myrrh or frankincense, both of which requires faith points. Then all of a sudden, GAME OVER. I was quite astounded by the abrupt ending of the animation. It could have been a bit better if they could show the siblings restarting the game and get faith points instead and get the right gift for the King, and then show the credits of the people who contributed to the Christmas Stomp. All these are what I personally feel that could be rooms for improvement.
Then it was Pastor Lawrence Khong time to deliver his speech. After the speech and prayer, a lot of people went forward to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Feel quite thrilled for them, as they will be starting a new life journey; now with the Lord with them.
After which I went out with my SOL friends to eat supper together at one of the markets in Bedok. Had diarrhoea after that. What a way to countdown to Christmas. -.-
Mark Tan at 6:52 PM
Monday, December 21, 2009
I am rather pleased with the fact that it is the respite right now. And I see myself gaining back the confidence that I have, where not long ago it was the antithesis of me being frigid and even demure. I hope my confidence can be restored back to the initial state. I hope the respite will eventually lead to my complete recovery.
Mark Tan at 6:18 PM
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I am so elated that I have got a new cell phone as my Christmas present! It is the Nokia 6760!!! Can finally enjoy more functionalities from internet to MSN. The button is also like the computer keyboard, which is accompanied with its exquisite design. In conclusion, I like the phone very much. Thanks to Daddy for the new cell phone.
Mark Tan at 11:32 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009
For the past two days, I am on board a cruise; Star Cruise Virgo. There is really nothing much to help me occupy my time here except browsing through books in the library cabinet and playing the games in the game arcade. I would say the activities that I do on cruise is rather limited and hence, mundane. I could finally not resist the allure of the computer, so I gave in. I have intended to type this new post at home, as the price of surfing the net here is charged by minute. But at least the price is rather reasonable if you don't surf for too long a time.
I was rather disappointed that I could not go out of the cruise to go to Kuala Lumpur yesterday. My parents are still very concern on my well-being even if I go with them. They are worried that my condition will deteriorate again. So initially i thought that it was quite selfish of them to not let me go along with my relatives, but after thinking it through again, it was out of love for me. They do not want me to have a sudden trigger, which could blemish my reputation, since after all my relatives are unaware of what is going on for me. But it is always not safe to keep the skeleton in the cupboard, as finally the cat will be let out of the bag. It is just a matter of time.
Some people just do not understand what I am going through. They commented that it is because I am not mentally tough enough, which is a myth. If I am not mentally tough, I would end up in a rehab centre already. Somethings are really out of my control, but at least I find that it does not affect me emotionally, but it disturbs me. I felt rather perturbed in the beginning when I got it, but gradually the apprehension vanished. I wish that one day it will all be gone, because I really want to be the old Mark.
Mark Tan at 11:38 AM
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Alas, it is the official last day of FCBS for me. I feel ecstatic for the fact that I will not be going to FCBS anymore, and I can have more time to myself, whereas the melancholic part is that I am going to miss the wonderful times I have with the folks I befriended and also I will greatly miss the Bible School. From here on out I have to depend on myself to grow spiritually strong. I must feed myself diligently with the word of God from now on. I do not want flabs in my spiritual body, so I MUST workout!!!
For the exam on Saturday, I really have to invest lots of time studying. I personally feel that studying Systematic Theology II is quite exhausting for a person at my age. Maybe that does not apply to others of my age, but to me it is really seems like a huge mountain to conquer. I wished that I have faith to move mountains. In this way I have a de-tour, which will save a lot of my energy.
Oh Lord, my God, why? How long will you deliver me from this scourge within? I waited in patience for 1year. I have neither motives of leaving you nor complaining to you. I know that you know my limits. But Lord, how long more? All I see is a red, yet colourful, world. Yet I will have hope in Him. Because in Romans 5:3~4, it states: " Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us."
Mark Tan at 3:58 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Went to church today. When I took the bulletine for today, I cannot help but fall in love with the animation guy on the first page. He is so endearing. Up to this point you might think that I am a gay. Let me show you what I mean.


So do inform me if you want to come along for the Christmas Stomp on 24Dec at 7.30pm at EXPO hall 10, with its programme outline: animation cum dance performance. The animation will be starring the guy in the picture above. After which we will be going to eat supper with my other friends, and also be prepared to countdown to Christmas!!!
Then Billy Wang(Dong Fang Bi Li) came to share his personal testimony. He has Leukemia and recently had a relapse. So he shared with us his journey with God, of how he came out of the media world, and his journey in helping people lead a healthy lifestyle through workouts and dancing. From a renown star, he became a teacher to many. I believe he felt more meaningful presently although his dream is to be a star. I would like to emulate him in terms of his hope in God. I will wait too; in quietness and trust.
Mark Tan at 10:28 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Have an appointment with the doctor yesterday. And I am so elated that I will not be seeing him again till next year's February, which is close to 2months! This is the first time where the appointment was prolonged, with each appointments set regularly each month. And the consultation fee was not as exorbitant as the previous time. I really am guilty; Guilty of spurging my parent's money on medication and consultation fees, though I really do not know how to stop it. Shall I lie to them that I am alright from now on? Then I do not have to see their money being flushed down the toilet just like that.
After the appointment, we went to watch movie whereas Mum went to work at Ion Orchard. She works in the food court with the shop name "Padang Padang", so if you are free you can go visit her at basement four.
My Dad and me went to watch "Storm Warriors". I would not say anymore about the plot lest I become a spoil spot, but I would like to comment on the movie. I loved the sound effect and the graphics during the fight of wind and cloud. However, the plot ending was sort of unclear to me. I have qualms regarding the destiny of cloud. There is also a few elements of humour within the show, but really, only a few. I did enjoy the show, but oh no... I almost thought that it was humanly possible to possess those supernatural powers like in the movie. But even if I have the supernatural powers, I will submit it to God to deal with it.
Mark Tan at 9:20 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I am glad that _______ initiated to chat with me yesterday. After reading my blog, she decided to thrash things out with me, simply because she still treats me as a friend, and I am glad about it. That is partly also that she cannot make it for the class BBQ because of her mother's birthday. The conflict was resolved.
Mark Tan at 10:02 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Nothing significant seems to be happening recently; there seems to be no ripple in the ocean, though my life is not to that extend mundane. But in a two weeks time FCBS classes will be coming to an end. I wouldn't say I will badly miss FCBS, but I will indeed feel lost once I come out from there.
I wonder if _______ will be coming for the class BBQ. Have not been chatting with her for close to one week already. I promised her I will never talk to her again. I must be a man of my words. If she comes for the class BBQ, things might change. Maybe she will talk to me again. Maybe we can thrash things out together. But if she does not come, I will treat it that she no longer wants to be my friend.
Mark Tan at 4:08 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Today had course on mentoring and coaching. Then there was sharing of personal testimony. So Tommy, Steven and me took turns to share our testimony. At first I did not want to disclose to them about my life because I feel that I need to have some sense of privacy. However in the end, I still let the cat out of the bag. But it is like as if I shared my burden with two more people, and I indeed feel lighter; the weight has been evenly distributed.
Mark Tan at 6:26 PM
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Just chatted with ______. She is still fuming over I-don't-know-whatever-the-reason-is. I appealed guessing the reason why she is angry and all she said to me was that if I knew her well I will know the reason why she is angry. Hello? I am not your boyfriend or spouse. Somethings I will not know well about you unless we become to that extend, close. Somethings you will have to explain to me, even couples do that to each other, ain't it? So will you be more just to me?
We have been friends for two years. And you want our friendship to be over? Can. But don't you regret.
Mark Tan at 10:09 PM
Friday, November 27, 2009
It is Hari Raya Haji today. It is really boring to stay at home without anything to do, except for a reflection report that I have to hand up next week and Living Life devotional and doing mind-maps for Systematic Theology II which is examinable.
Seems like I am doing fine with "pink", as since two days ago I have not been having those experiences. Thanks to "pink", and God for seeing me through. The insuperable mountain seems more surmountable now.
How Thim will be going overseas beginning 30Nov and will not be back till 6Dec. No more meet-ups till next year. Will miss him a lot, and I have many issues still unresolved. I believe the experiences are a result of these unresolved issues, so if I can deal with it ASAP, my state might not be that dire. I wish to start the new year well, and not let it be like the current year.
Mark Tan at 3:05 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I have discovered a passage in the Living Life devotional two days ago that evoked my emotions. The following is the short passage that I have read:
The fields were parched and brown from lack of rain, and the crops lay wilting from thirst. People were anxious and irritable as they searched the sky for any sign of relief. Days turned into arid weeks. No rain came.
The ministers of the local churches called for an hour of prayer on the town square the following Saturday. They requested that everyone bring an object of faith for inspiration.
At high noon on the appointed Saturday the townspeople turned out en masse, filling the square with anxious faces and hopeful hearts. The ministers were touched to see the variety of objects clutched in prayerful hands - holy books, crosses, etc.
When the hour ended, as if on magical command, a soft rain began to fall. Cheers swept the crowd as they held their treasured objects high in gratitude and praise. From the middle of the crowd one faith symbol seemed to overshadow all the others: A small nine-year-old child had brought an umbrella.
-Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul, by Laverne W. Hall, edited by Jack Canfield
Ain't that true that all it takes is a simple child-like faith to move the hands of God?
Mark Tan at 5:04 PM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
After school today, I met up with Mum to go for lunch together. Initially some of my classmates had wheedled me to go along with them for lunch. But when one decided to back out, the other one also backed out. So alas I decided that I will have lunch with Mum.
After lunch, it was Mum's interview for a new job; in a boutique shop, located at International Plaza, situated in the CBD. She was quite fickle at first; wondering things from whether there will be business for a boutique shop in the CBD to whether she will have to pack out clothes from the store room. I did not include my personal opinions when she questioned me about whether she should go for the interview or otherwise. At last she decided to go for the interview, where I stayed put in Coffee Bean, scanning through some magazines on the rack, though not the renown ones. She was back in less than 10minutes, stating that there was miscommunication between the person who my Mum called and the manager at that shop outlet, so they will ring my Mum after they discuss about the amount of pay.
Then as we were going home by the MRT, a boy. or perhaps a man, in his late teens looked at my attire, where he took quite a long time glancing. I felt funny so I went to look at myself on the mirror of the lift. Then I realised the way I dressed was awkward. A long shirt accompanied with short shorts, looks "obiang"(not very cool) indeed. I never thought of keeping abreast of fashion, but I never expected that my fashion sense is really so dull. It seems like I am not abashed of my poor fashion sense, because how people view me on my outward appearance is not as important as them viewing my innate qualities and talents.
Mark Tan at 5:54 PM