Full Name: Mark Tan Wen Min
Age: 18
Gender: Male
DOB: 27 March 1992
Faith: Baptist(Christianity)
Church: Faith Community Baptist Church
Graduated from: St Andrew's Jr Sch, Jurongville Sec Sch
School: Nanyang Polytechnic, School of Chemical and Life Science
Course: Pharmaceutical Sciences
Class: PS1003
Monday, February 28, 2011
It is my last paper today. Sort of feel out of place all of a sudden; no studies for 6 weeks.
Yet another year.
I had weird dreams recently; dreams that differ far from reality. I dreamt of being a very young kid, with all sorts of childishness exhibited in the dream. I dreamt that I have a very beautiful girlfriend, but the truth is: This girl does not exist in real life, with the fact that I am still single since birth. But to me she is just breathtakingly beautiful. I dreamt that I can swim freestyle, ice-skate like a professional, of which I could not possibly perform in real life. Though they are dream to me, they are heavenly. I mean the emotions precipitated by them is just awesome.
In the previous post I stated "时间能够冲淡一切痛苦". But the pain is revisiting me again in a whole new way. I thought I have already forgiven him. I really cannot stand this. It is as if you get numbed by the pain, and after a period of time of forgetting the incident, the thought rebounds and the pain get even more intense. I want him out of my mind, and, my life. Totally.
Mark Tan at 8:29 PM